AASPi Exhibition Terms and Conditions
Thank you for expressing an interest in being a part of an Australian Association of Street Photographers Incorporated (AASPi) exhibition. These Submission Guidelines and Entry Terms and Conditions highlight the significance of maintaining the ethos of street photography/photojournalism to your image selection, and provide the details you need to ensure the exhibition runs smoothly.
Submission Guidelines
To exhibit you must be a member of the AASPi. If you are not a member and wish to exhibit please complete a membership application form and make the required payment along with your application to exhibit.
Photography must be urban in scope.
The images will usually be candid – that are not posed; not set up in the street; nor taken in a studio using models, and any subjects in the frame will mostly be unaware that their picture is being taken.
It is important to note that the images shall not demean or ridicule any person captured in the frame. We are looking for photography that celebrates the everyday and natural grace of humanity.
Submitted images must comply with any subject matter, topic or location requirement etc. that may be specified for any particular exhibition.
The images must have a documentary, photojournalistic, street photography or urban poetry style.
Images of another artist’s work will not be accepted.
Images will be black and white or natural colour only.
Images for submission must be optimised for print.
Please submit up to 2 images in AdobeRGB format, sized to 7000px on the long edge, as a .JPG or .TIFF (flattened) at 360 PPI.
If you need guidance on resizing your images, please refer to the following https://www.photoshopessentials.com/basics/how-to-resize-images-for-print-with-photoshop.
Submitted images are to be named in the following format: “firstname_lastname_imagename”.
Where multiple “unnamed” images are submitted please number them to assist in curation.
The images will not be overly manipulated during capture or by using post-processing software (e.g. Photoshop).
Images will not feature: HDR; multiple-exposures; textures; artificial blurring; applied tones such as sepia, selenium or cyanotype treatment; applied filters (either in-camera or in processing) for ageing, bleaching or other special effects; selective colouring; composite images; Photomatix processing; tone mapping; Topaz processing; Orton processing; Photoshop layers; or cloning to remove physical objects or light present in the scene of the original capture.
The use of “special effects” lenses or mechanical filters (e.g. Lensbaby, tilt shift, scratched or coloured filters, etc.) must be very limited if used at all and will be subject to review by the AASPi Committee.
To deliberately distort, obscure or blur the subject, just to create artificial shallow depth of field; extreme vignetting; or other “special effects” for predominantly artistic reasons, is not doing sufficient service to the expressed theme of this particular exhibition.
If an image is highly distorted by using such lenses it may not be accepted. Any images submitted using these “special effects” lenses would only be accepted if the effects are minimal and based on one per exhibitor.
Post-processing of images shall be limited to: cropping; adjustment of white balance, brightness, contrast and highlights; sharpening; minor dodging and burning; and minor adjustment of colour hue and saturation to present the image in its most realistic, yet artistic form.
The best images will contain a “story”. It is recognised that “story” is still possible without people being in the frame, although the most compelling “street images” usually do have characters.
Submitted images must be the work of the exhibiting photographer.
The AASPi Curation Committee will review your submissions and select no more than 1 for inclusion in the exhibition.
If any image(s) is rejected by the Committee, the photographer will be given the opportunity to resubmit a replacement image(s).
Image copyright remains with the artist at all times.
AASPi reserves the right to use facsimiles of submitted entries for the purposes of promoting the exhibition. The photographer will be notified in writing if their image is to be used for marketing purposes.
AASPi reserves the right to publish facsimiles of submitted entries for publication purposes, both online and in print, to showcase the work of exhibiting members. Online publication will be credited. Photographers will be notified in writing if their image is selected for printed publication and credited.
To contribute to a successful event, exhibitors may be asked to assist with developing marketing information and/or assisting in the gallery during the exhibition itself.
It is the responsibility of the artist to insure their work. All care will be taken to ensure that the work is cared for and kept secure, however, AASPi will take no responsibility for damaged, lost or stolen works during hanging or the exhibition itself.
The deadlines listed under the Important Dates section of the Exhibition Submission Form must be observed. Failure to do so may lead to your initial offer being withdrawn without a refund.
Entry Terms and Conditions
Submissions are open to members of AASPi, except when the subject of an invitation by the organisers to create a special feature within the Exhibition.
All applicants must submit their images via the published Exhibition Submission Form by the Application Closing Date.
All applicants must pay the Exhibition Fee by the Last Date for Payment. The Exhibition Fees are used for gallery hire, printing (A2), exhibition marketing and other costs associated with the exhibition. Australian Association of Street Photographers is a non-profit organisation.
Requests to join the exhibition after Application Closing Date will not be accepted.
This is a curated exhibition. All images must be submitted to the Committee via the Exhibition Submission Form to be approved for exhibition.
The Committee reserves the right to reject any image which in the Committee’s opinion does not meet Submission Guidelines as detailed in this document: if they do not meet the standards of definition of Street Photography and photojournalism; if they do not meet any of the criteria specified in this document; if they are not delivered on time for printing or, are deemed to be inappropriate.
Failure to meet required dates and deadlines or provide accurate information may lead to your exhibitor’s rights being withdrawn, without refund.
Images can be priced for sale at the exhibition. The AASPi will not take any commission. Unless advised otherwise, the gallery will not take any commission.
It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to pay required taxes to the Australian Tax Office if they receive income from the sale of any of their images.
The AASPi reserves the right to re-price your images at a higher price than you may have requested. This is to ensure low prices do not devalue the work of other exhibitors.